
  • Apr 23, 2022
  • Joined Nov 27, 2021
  • The DAO can delegate specific functions to specialized teams for greater efficiency, resting assured that likewise the DAO can also subsequently make a proposal to take back or modify said delegation if it is seen to be operating in an undesirable manner.

    With this in mind, it is clear that it is in the community's interest to make it possible for treasury-enhancing maneuvers to take place promptly and with the flexibility that a fast-moving and changing DeFi landscape requires.

  • I initially posted a NFW, then deleted since it was knee jerk response…gut said nfw…ok, we're 120 something posts further along and I see some people are actually for this "deal", free ohm for nothing on a "promise" to pay it back, no collateral, nevermind all that can possibly go wrong with this deal…

    I see alot of responses from people more well versed in the nuances of these type of "deals" in the financial arena than me and ofc "contracts", all raised legitimate questions and points and yet somehow this is going to an ama… someone plainly said they could use aave or whomever to take a loan and pay for the ohm pblm solved… this could literally be the beginning of the end of OHM as we know it- at first seeming like a flesh would that turns red then gangrenous then leading to amputation but afterwards leads to sepsis then death.

    I simply cant find any positive reason to give any entity 25K OHM for Free based on their word they will pay it back wen they very well could borrow the funds needed to buy it if in fact they were trully "credit" worthy and not just a smooth talker and contract writer…contracts are nearly always broken and end up in dispute in courts for years, meanwhile the perps make off like bandits and the victims(ohmies) are left holding nothing….

    bottom line, next to nothing will change my mind for all of the reasons/issues cited above and i would actually view this deal as a nonstarter.

  • Wartull

    You don’t need perp to short ohm just two parties and one of them holding ohm

    I borrow 1000ohm from you at $1000. I sell it, price go down to$ 900, I buy it back. Now I have 1100ohm, I give you back your 1000+ interest.

    So here we would be giving free ohm to potentially get dumped on, all while these fine gentlemen have zero dollarized risk. Assume you never paid for your Ohm, why not do the above over and over and over.


    I would be very wary dealing with MM and Wall Street bread guys, thinking they have our good intentions at heart is blissfully naive. Their mentality comes from a ruthless world you wouldn’t be able to understand unless you have been in it. Loan I am against it, this is defi if they want they can acquire ohm on the open market and do with it whatever they deem fit. We should not give them ohm “for free”. This at least will bring some direct value to ohm and align them with us. With no skin in the game, it’s like a working-lady that got sweet talked into giving you a ride for free. The Ohmie community is to good for its own good, don’t let your guard down especially when dealing with sharks, MMs being the most opportunistic & dangerous of them all. One small fuck up an they will capitalize on it. I suggest core to take counsel from the DAO every step of the way, to the finest details. There is no rush we are doing more than great as it is.

    For something to succeed it is a combination of the right opportunity executed at the right time. Question is, is this the right opportunity and is now the time for it?