
  • Jul 11, 2022
  • Joined Apr 17, 2021
  • Seems like a great idea. We are moving this coin in the right direction.

  • I am for this. Reducing APY will have a stabilizing effect on price and also make bonds more attractive which will help the protocol in the long run.

  • Jawesome Agreed but what is "enough" money? 200 days of guaranteed APY or 1000 days? Lets get some clarity around that number.

  • I believe we need some type of definitive methodology around how the rebase rate is calculated every epoch. Currently the reward rate is what is used to determine the rebase rate, and the actual reward rate itself is determined by the leadership committee. I feel that if the amount of money in the treasury vastly increases above what is "necessary" to maintain the current APY, then bonus rebases or one time large rebases should be given more frequently.

    I propose we figure out:

    1. What APY we wish to target.
    2. Set a strict reward rate % that's pegged to the treasury balance.
    3. Come up with a "day" threshold that if the protocol has enough money to maintain the APY past this amount, then one time bonuses or larger rebases are given. For example, if there are currently 250 days of "guaranteed rewards" in the protocol at a certain APY and we agree that we need only 200 days of guarantee (this is the number we have to figure out) then we can give one time bonuses and rebases to holders. This threshold number can be voted on or set by the leadership committee.

    The key of course is to give these "bonuses" without jeopardizing the future ability to pay the APY. Lets have a discussion and figure this out.

    Happy to hear any further thoughts.