
  • Feb 10, 2022
  • Joined Jul 23, 2021
  • davoice321 1. How does this agreement, and push to facilitate trading of OHM at CEXs, fit within Olympus' mandate to become the reserve currency of DeFi?


    davoice321 Why should Olympus enter into this agreement as opposed to simply letting market makers and CEXs gather inventory on their own to market make and provide liquidity to CEXs?

    well said

    gsr_nyc they will help expend your community in unexpected ways

    "Your community" ? why would I trust anyone to act in this communities best interest when they don't even consider themselves as part of it?

    Iceman This is one of the most bullish and positive things for Ohm rn.

    a very bad take. Most bullish and positive thing for ohm is to keep building, growing as a community and helping their partners grow along the way, not giving free loans some tradFi firm to help people speculate on things they don't understand. remember 3, 3 ?

    biscuit I also don't understand why a centralized exchange listing would increase DEX volume

    because as soon as they inject the liquidity in CEX's they will also set up arb. bots and make the real money by buying from cexes and selling it on dexes and vice versa...

    bone They’ll help onboarding people.

    they will not be onboarding anyone. They will be providing new toys to speculators. I don't agree that people buying a coin on a CEX because it's cool and hyped by some influencers is actually a person who we need rn… That stage will come but at this point in time I think the people we need are those who are actually interested in reading, learning and contributing…

    Maven11 We had a several conversations with Olympus

    Who is Olympus exactly?

    Maven11 new investors that are not acquainted with the DEXes and/or are not tech savvy enough to go through the process of acquiring it

    Sad to see an OG ohmie having a mind that didn't evolve since 2018.
    it is and has always been our job as a community to educate people who are joining crypto about the values of which this space has been built upon. Providing a way for new investors that doesn't have a metamask and don't know what DEX is (which is quite primitive tech at this point in time) to get their hands on ohm (a protocol they don't understand, don't know the problems it solves and has really high risk) is irresponsible even if we were to profit heavily from it. That should not be the culture we are trying to build and not the behaviour we should promote. Wanna bring new people? Use some of your "seed" investment profits to build an education platform instead, we ohmies can take the dump for you to build that platform.

    Ulysses31 It just seems so counter to everything we are trying to build with Olympus and DeFi in general

    Thank you

    Ulysses31 Crypto is an educational journey as much as anything and the "doing in DeFi" is a critical piece to understanding why there is so much value in being an Ohmie.

    very well said!

    Wartull Any market maker can just OTC this same amount easily today and list on an exchange where we don't have any say in the matter

    what say do we exactly have in this matter?

    In general I have a couple of comments after reading through every message.

    First of all I want to say I am quite disappointed by how some people in the team are trying really hard to push this through while most people haven't even heard who GSR is and what they do. I am having a lot of backroom deal vibes and makes me question the motives and the integrity of those members.

    I do not get the argument "we have idle money in treasury and it's ok to use it that way". If the best thing you can think of doing with that money is to loan it "interest free" to a corp to make more money for themselves while bringing (imho.) no value, you have bigger problems than not having liquidity on CEX's. if they want to be a market maker they are free to do so with their own money. There are enough incentives for them to do so without us giving them free money.

    I do not like the look or the smell of it. and I don't understand what benefit it brings to us as a community. This feels like a step backwards while we've been pushing hard for decentralisation. I understand some of you do not care about this stuff, maybe you are new, maybe you do not have reason to care but it's about time for you to learn because you will need it.

    For those who got excited to dump their profits on people in cexes that has no bloody idea what Olympus does, I say greed is the enemy of the soul and your soul is what you need to work on as you move up in the hiararchy. Otherwise you won't make it as a human being.

    as you may have guessed this is a big no from me.

  • This proposal should never have made it this far to the public like this. I’m sorry to be commenting publicly like this, but it is kind of forced since its gotten this far.

    This proposal is for an OTCBB penny stock, not a multi-billion dollar international project with plenty of traction.

    A FREE massive almost-in-the-money call option? <30 days ago it would be in the money. I’d price the option but I’m afraid my calculator would start smoking.

    ++ a FREE loan for their inventory??

    Market making, HFT, quant firms, and centralized exchanges are all components of a healthy market, and we should be supportive and encouraging of GSR’s endeavors in OHM.

    The way market making firms work is investors put up capital so the firm can inventory assets. Those investors put up their capital because they know that market making is going to capture a spread. Let’s not even get into how lucrative this could be in DeFi.

    GSR clearly has our support to make a market, but they don’t need free money.