Would be a grave mistake to put any amount of treasury assets into Ribbon vaults.
Ribbon sells weeklies a close % from market price, and their vaults have a reputation for blowing up often because an automated strategy like that has way too much exposure to tail events, which are all too common in crypto.
Further, the APRs displayed on their UI are highly deceptive. Their BTC vault currently shows 23% APY, however their vault performance tells a different story—0.77% returns since September 12, or 1.3% annualised.
Let me repeat that—Their vault says it has a 23% APR, but their returns are actually 1.3% APR. That too before Ribbon's 2% TVL and 10% performance fees. Olympus would have lost money had it been in this vault for the past year.
Ribbon's stETH vault is a similar story. 22% APR displayed, when in reality the yield is NEGATIVE!
Even worse, all of Ribbon's automated put/call selling vaults blow up very frequently. Olympus would have lost over 20% had it deposited in Ribbon's ETH vault since early November.
All in all, Ribbon runs strategies with a track record of blowing up, at best breaking even, and depositing any amount of treasury assets in Ribbon vaults would be a mistake. If you would like to learn more on why Ribbon's vaults are an extreme no-go, read this paper by Ledger Prime: https://www.research.ledgerprime.com/p/a-quantitative-analysis-of-defi-option?s=r
Ledger Prime concludes that it is best if "parties don’t systematically sell the same weekly deep OTM covered calls", which is unfortunately EXACTLY what Ribbon does across ALL of its options vaults.