A lot of great discussions on here however no one has mentioned the most important thing for longevity of this project which is regulation, see #coinbureau. Will the technology of this project and defi will still be around 300 days from now yes however if US holders are labeled criminals and tax cheats and by default EU and G20 holders then the net for possible holders will be much smaller. The only thing we can do is control those things that we can so I suggest the following.
- rebrand this project away from decentralized reserve currency as this puts a target on it.
- wait 45 days until congress returns to see what happens with legislation before lowering APY
The more holders and larger the treasury grows in the near term the better.
Can this project or other defi projects make it if the backers and holders have to KYC and could the project handle tax reporting for all holders for up to 180 countries?
Implement APY reduction when things are clearer and the waters aren't mudded as we may not be here 300 days from now.