I see a lot of comments worrying about new OHMies. Well, I am one of them. (I staked my first bag of OHMs 6 days ago. So I am still qualified as "new", right?) As you might have guessed, I am very disappointed to see this kind of proposal as a new OHMie.
I knew that this unbelievable APY would never last forever because increasing the supply of OHMs exponentially would also, obviously, drive down the price of OHMs exponentially. However, I thought this was the plan! I really believed printing huge amount of OHMs and growing in size was the strategy of this project at this stage.
My reasoning was,
“OHM wants to be a global reserve currency. Then, it is competing against Federal Reserve’s USD, the current champion, and Ripple’s XRP, a strong contender. Then, this strategy makes sense to me because in order to replace USD and also compete against XRP, it needs to create a vast amount of OHMs first! Fed also keeps on printing USD. No one will ever know the total supply of USD. So Olympus is doing exactly the same thing! Genius! Then, even if the price of OHM goes all the way down to $1, which is not even possible because of the amount of value accumulated in the OHM treasury, 1 OHM that I bought at $400 will still be $28,900($400 -> $1 x 170 x 170) within 2 years!”
That was why I staked OHM. Someone on this discussion asked, “Do you want 10 OHMs @ $1000 or 1000 OHMs @ $10?” or something like that. My answer is, "I want 1000 OHMs that is worth $10". I believe that is the way to become a global reserve currency. Being a global reserve currency means to become the standard of value. Would you value a can of beer as 1 OHM or 0.001 OHM? It is too complicated to see numbers like that. Don’t we all already feel the same way when we see 0.0000000000024 BTC in our balances?
If my understanding was not completely wrong, I wish this project would keep on growing in size for a while as it has been doing so far. This project is nowhere near being a global currency both in the value and the size. So why worry so much about the price of each OHM now? I know this euphoric APY has to go down some day to wherever it is supposed to be, but NOT at this rate of speed.
I also have some thoughts about mass adoption too. When this project accumulates huge amount of value in the treasury, I believe the mass adoption will come. People won't just let it sit there in the corner when it has an enormous value. People will eventually develop all kinds of things upon this project beyond our imaginations!
So far, it seemed like this project was growing so well. So why stop now? Just like a lot of people worry about it, no one will trust this project anymore if you keep on slashing APY so fast like that.
I also have a suggestion. If you are really going to do it, take down APY indicator on the staking board first. If it doesn’t last for a year, it is not “Annual” Percentage Yield. Therefore, it is very misleading. Instead, “Rate of Decrease of APY”, “RD-APY”, would be a more helpful information to put it up there. This is not a joke. I think this is absolutely necessary so that I can at least try to calculate the return of my investment. Current APY doesn't help me calculate that at all.
I apologize if I said something totally absurd or offensive to anyone. As I said, I am only 6-day-old OHMie so… I was just shocked to see the proposal and had to say something about it.