Occam, having non-stable treasury assets is fine even without a defined divestiture plan. The value added is there, this OIP is just contemplating it’s exclusion from the RFV figure.
Assuming Olympus Treasury eventually holds a basket of multiple non-stables, will the market factor that in to the price? Definitely.
What I think your alluding to, something that I think is important, is that what we are creating is theoretically elegant but we need to make sure it’s clearly conveyed.
If we eventually incorporate more and more non-stables, everyone will have different levels of comfort with each of them…meaning * by default * you need to model out all the non-stables with your own haircuts for each.
Everyone who goes to app.olympusdao.finance is going to see a RFV that implies the value of ETH is $0 because that technically is its RFV. BUT is that helpful?
With the addition of non-stable assets, I’d propose we need another quasi-RFV metric that includes non-stables with community defined haircuts.
kinda Risk Free Value