I voted no. I see very big issues with cex , counterproductive to our utility, ( sohm on fuse)
Im afraid pump and dumps will bring a lot of damage to ohm . And don't forget , at the moment we own our liquidity and earn fees, cex will take their cut in volume , probably less fees for Protocol , although we could possibly make up with arbs.
Request for Comments - CEX Listing
No I believe a CEX listing is inevitable in the long run, but not now tbh. If enabled margins / futures trading would hurt the performance of OHM. without custodial bonding / staking enabled first, I don't see how a CEX listing would help.
OHM works deeply with on-chain mechanics, i'm not sure the advertisement would prove useful. our "power user" or large investors won't be cex retail, after all.
crypto_psych I second that. Olympus DAO has been running robustly since it is only available on sushiswap, so the treasury has greater control over the pools and they are able to deliver consistently high APY’s. CEX listing has too many unknown variables and the market correlation will get higher.
The increase in traffic would be welcome but we would prefer the right kind of traffic in the growth stages.
- Edited
Don_G_Lover The primary goal of Olympus is to expand as a stable reserve asset throughout a larger Defi ecosystem. Any CEX listing will reduce Ohm exclusively to any other tradable asset within that platform. It would strip Ohm of the various use cases we as a community desire (3,3 staking, Ohm as collateral to access stablecoins, controlling majority of our own liquidity sources, partnering with other protocols to use our treasury services). Whatever positives a CEX listing would provide could not outweigh the negatives to our protocol. It simply works against Olympus’s goals of increasing protocol controlled value.
Simple - CEX listing decreases protocol revenue earned from trading fees. It’s simply too early for us.
While we should see the appeal of OHM to CEX's as a compliment, I fear this could light a fire on the whole experiment.
Your typical CEX user would likely not even read about the Olympus game theory nevermind take time to understand it and practice it (3, 3).
We're already getting 15,000% APY right now - let's not get greedy looking to price spike on a CEX.
My gut says we need Ohmies who understand the mission, and then after we become a stable asset we can bring in the more ordinary users.
My vote will be no, but, the fact that this is even coming up is a testament to the community.
(3, 3)
Don_G_Lover CEX can bring extreme volatility and dilute the community. Ohmies are smashing it right now and there’s an old saying don’t fix something that isn’t broken. Overall I think it would be bad for the longevity of the coin, too early? Down the line maybe.
The protocol owning most of its liquidity is super valuable. Having the Ohm just sit in a CEX doing nothing is useless for us. I like this conversation but feels premature rn.
absolutely not
Another point to be made is that apart of the premium the Ohm token commands is due to the constraints on circulating supply as the majority is staked. Zeus has mentioned before that this is a key element in Ohm’s value proposition-that 3,3 generates artificial scarcity that feeds into a market premium. A CEX listing would grant larger access to active daily trading of the token which may disrupt this value proposition.
way to early
Way to soon, too many good things going now to chance it on such a play.
no go for CEX lisitng, we need to play it safe and 3,3.
For now, no. In the future maybe +- 1-2 years.
I don't see a benefit to pursuing any CEX at this time.
I will say no, too soon. I feel like 3,3 will be not favourable if people buy on cex
I agree, it’s too soon guys. I’d say yes for most of the defi projects out there but Olympus is not like most of the DeFi projects out there! So I’d vote no.
As others pointed out more eloquently:
-Olympus controls the majority of its liquidity. We will lose that if we list on a CEX.
-CEX traders in large may not care about bonding despite educational sessions/material.
We would open ourselves up to more volatility in the current not up-only market—volatility which we may not be able to translate into revenue or a sum positive to the dedicated bonders, stakers, and the protocol.
If the objective is to bring in larger institutional OHMies then perhaps it could be done another way instead of the brute force list on a CEX that's imploring to bring OHM onboard.
Don_G_Lover focus on steady growth with a committed community. Too early for a CEX
Hard pass - no from here!