• General
  • THORChain Listing for Olympus Dao Proposal

Olympus (OHM) prepares for a multichain future by activating a Liquidity Pool on THORChain with support from the THORChain community, that will allow investors to swap native L1 assets (BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, BNB) for OHM in a permissionless and non custodial way.

Olympus has shown great success in its early stages not just with the token OHM, but as a community. A majority of our investors are well informed on how to maximize their investments with the ‘3,3’ vision, and we have >87% of token holders staking in the protocol over the last 3 months.

A large part of our early success came from Ethereum (SushiSwap). However, to capture more market share, Olympus must consider listing on THORChain. This will simultaneously expose OHM to different assets as a method of purchase, and diversify its audience from Ethereum-based users alone, to include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Binance, and Bitcoin Cash users as well. Additionally, in the near future THORChain will implement new chains such as Monero, Haven, Doge, Solana, Cosmos, and others.

In the case where Olympus lists its own pool on THORChain, the fees redeemed from trades will result in an increase in treasury funding. Note that users who buy OHM from THORChain, can still stake into Olympus as usual, and should be encouraged to. Additionally, once we activate a pool, any users who wish to provide liquidity into THORChain, can do so and earn fees as well.

To make this process as seamless as possible for current Olympus investors, XDEFI Wallet (a multichain address wallet extension) will work with the Olympus community to enable downloads. As a result, users can easily load their Metamask Wallet balance on XDEFI through injections, which will automatically create addresses for other chains while maintaining their existing ETH address so that (1) newly purchased OHM from THORChain can easily be staked back into Olympus, and (2) users can trade other assets easily on THORChain with their XDEFI wallet.

Finally, because THORChain is a separate protocol, we will have strong support from their community for Nine Realms to activate an OHM:RUNE pool. Nine Realms is a core contributor to the ecosystem/protocol and has already worked with several well known projects to list and deepen pools that are now live. Working with Nine Realms (1) reduces the operational overhead required to queue up/activate a pending pool during a cap raise and manage pool incentives, and (2) reduces the burden on the treasury to supply the requisite liquidity to churn in a RUNE😮HM pool. Nine Realms is willing to supply up to $2MM in RUNE to bootstrap the pool with our treasury.

To manage pooling activities, Nine Realms and Olympus DAO will use a 2-of-3 Gnosis multisig, where the setup will include:
Two signers from Olympus DAO
One signer from Nine Realms

This setup has the effect of giving Olympus DAO:
full control of fund movement to and from the multisig
execution capability in the event of losing a single key

The process for depositing and withdrawing from the THORChain pools are outlined below. Because of THORChain’s nature, some involvement from Olympus DAO is required to first deposit assets—but note that funds will always be in control of the multisig when not in THORChain pools.

  • Depositing:
    The initial deposit into THORChain’s pool will require two transactions from our shared multisig:
  • A transaction to approve the THORChain ETH router
  • The actual deposit transaction

Nine Realms will create both transactions and submit them for review/approval. The deposit transaction will only deposit assets onto THORChain, and Nine Realms will not have full custody of the assets at any point.

However, this also means that someone from Olympus DAO will need to be present when it is time to deposit assets on the network. We will coordinate ahead of time on who that party will be so that we can open a communication channel when the time comes to deposit.

  • Withdrawing:
    To remove assets from the pool, Nine Realms will call the withdrawal function and funds (plus any fees) will automatically be withdrawn directly to the multisig address. From this point, Olympus DAO has full control over removing the funds, etc.

Further, Nine Realms can manage pool incentives to attract future LPs for the pool. The process for pool queueing/activation will be outlined in a future document.

A multichain future is here. And Olympus existing on a multichain ecosystem and working with its community will allow us to diversify our investors, and open up new possibilities through THORChain’s multichain native liquidity, and synths.

On the THORChain side, there is a very small risk of ‘ragnarok’. If the node operators overpower the consensus, they can shutdown the protocol.

This attack would mean they lose their bonded rewards, and also lose more than they can steal. It will not be a financially incentivized attack, but purely malicious with the intent to shut down THORChain.

The tokenomics of THORChain rewards node operators to be honest, and they are anonymous so it’s very difficult for them to collude and organize a ragnarok. There are security systems in place, such as node-churning, so node operators must re-bond to THORChain at competitive prices, and good behaviour history.

    Great work and initiative ThorLady! Suggestion: would be good to have both 1) OHM stake APY and 2) LP APY/ fees incentives in the OHM-Rune LP in ThorChain pool.

      Would Olympus have to hold any assets for this partnership and bond OHM:RUNE LPs to create this liquidity?

        Would love to see two of my favourite projects coming together. Great Initiative !

        Supporting this proposal! Love to see 2 of my favourite projects coming together!

        The potential for ohm to have its own rune pool is amazing. My main question is if/how olympus could own its own LP position. This seems like one of the strengths of the protocol: acquiring it's own liquidity.

        1. Is the olympus treasury able to hold non ERC-20 assets like rune?
        2. Is it possible for us to set up an ohm-rune bond program so Olympus owns the majority of its own liquidity on Thorchain? And are ohmies ready for that or is it too soon?

        So far we have been pretty conservative and my guess is a lot of ohmies won't be comfortable with rune. But I also think that rune's deterministic pricing could make it a really interesting asset in the treasury because (similar to ohm) it is one of the few tokens that has a floor (risk free value) that can be calculated separate from market value. It seems possible we could use deterministic rune price as its RFV.

        If the treasury can hold rune and ohmies agree that it is worthwhile to have rune-ohm in the treasury, I am all for this proposal.

          Thorchain is going to be part of the future of defi along with us so lets get collaborating 🤝

          !WOW what an amazing proposal and such respect of Nine realms to possibly supply the pool with $2MM in RUNE!
          Thor Lady you have outdone yourself on this proposal! Absolutely for this proposal and great way of showing knowledge about how to set this up! Also Kudos for the Gnosis multisig!

          FOR FOR FOR!

          Thorchain looks a great project. And the community seem awake. It is in its infancy like Ohm, there are great rewards and also great risks in entering into infancy projects.

          Great proposal! Appreciate all the work you put in. But I'm not sold... yet.

          TLDR: How does this benefit OHM?

          Would there be demand for OHM on chains to which Thor would give us access?

          Is Olympus well known enough outside of the EVM world to warrant this collab at this stage in Olympus' development?

          Would it make more sense to wait until there are protocols/projects that want to partner with us (or us with them) and would require Thorchain as the bridge?

          I worry this is crosschain for the sake of it and not to address market demand, but I've no data to back that up... nor have I seen any to the contrary.


            • expensive marketing stunt
            • horrible wallet UX
            • custodial pool solution
            • no automation
            • no bonding

            I certainly appreciate the effort put into this proposal and love to see different communities to collaborate. Over the past weeks I tried to better understand how ThorChain and OlympusDAO could collaborate in a meaningful way. So far nobody could really outline strategic benefits of the suggested RUNE pool on ThorChain. I understand this is all very early for ThorChain but all this pseudo custodial multisig setup is broken by design in a trustless ecosystem. It does make zero sense that there is no automated integration. The lack of automation and integration is then also why this proposal does not include our usual bonding mechanism which means that we create a completely new avenue of which I am not convinced we should do that because I do not see why. As it seems to me this collaboration at this point would not be more than a very expensive marketing stunt. I am happy to learn more about what I couldn't learn already during the past weeks, so somebody tell me please why we should do this at all. Further, multisigs managing 7+ figures should at least be 3 of 5. And then this XDEFI wallet thing sounds horrible TBH. Like why would you do this to your users. I am not sure how big the audience of LTC hodlers is who are not able to find their way to Ethereum mainnet and if it is really worth our DAO funds to go after them. I think it is way too early for this kind of thing to play out so I would vote to defer.


              "TLDR: How does this benefit OHM?" - it means people can swap any crypto listed on THORChain for OHM which makes it easier for people to get access to it. THORChain currently supports BTC, ETH (+ERC20), LTC, BNB, BCH with plans for 10-15 more chains over the next year.

              There's a whole market of retail investors who (rightly or wrongly) are scared away from dealing with ETH because of gas fees. Anything that opens up more access to OHM is a good thing in my eyes.

              The vision for THORChain is that it will become one of the main decentralised cross-chain exchanges. Other services are starting to integrate Thorchain on their back-end - ShapeShift currently uses it for swaps, TrustWallet is working on an integration as well and more will no doubt follow. So getting a pool on THORChain also opens up the possibility to be included in those services by extension.

              As you can probably tell, big THORChain fan, let's get this done!

              This is an phenomenal proposal to expand olympus dao's treasury, consolidate more market share, and assure greater resilience through diversification.

              -To be able to move freely from Btc, Xmr, or Bnb to Ohm without passing through Usd-pegged stablecoins is in itself a winning move.
              -And to earn yield on a Rune-Ohm liquidity pool will most likely be amazing. Imagine all the other ecosystems being able to invest in ohm without converting through centralized exchanges.
              -One question, will the Nine Realms Olympus pool be 2M usd in Rune (320000 Rune) & 2M usd in OHM (4600 Ohm).
              And if Nine Realms finances the rune portion of the liquidity pool, this means they will take 50% of the liquidity yield?

              On the question of multisig accounts to secure the liquidity pool, this seems like the right way to go. 3 wallets or 5 wallets, I can see why requiring three signatures of five for any action would be more secure.

              But when and if in the future olympus evolves into a true dao, we will need to resolve how to organize wallet custodianship, and not just for the thorchain pool.

              Onwards and Upwards,
              Fulano (Α, Ω)

              ps- I've heard that once Thorchain is completely up and running, they anticipate being able to offer 23% yield on btc.
              So we might eventually consider placing some of the olympus btc treasury reserves on thorchain as well.

              "23% APY (fees only) yield for L1 Bitcoin #BTC
              Seems legit.
              $RUNE" (@thorchain, on april 18th)

              I have to agree with xh3b4sd and @JFry4 here. Really feels like a unnecessary marketing stunt with no real substance. Great effort on the proposal, but I think this is premature. I don't feel like OHM needs to be on the forefront of cross-chain exchange; we are a nascent defi project, lets stick to our guns and maybe we could revisit something like this if and when THORchain has a little bit more to show for itself.

                TheThorLady Love the idea of branching out. My one thing would be how the treasury would value the OHM-RUNE pairs. Due to the volatility of RUNE compared to the other side of the LP pairs I think it be would in the protocol's best interest to account for these as conservatively as possible. Other than that accounting nuance I think it's a great idea and should spread the OHM

                StarXyrus Yes!
                Incentives for the pool will be outlined in another proposal.
                Activating the pool is just first step to our long partnership.

                Hopepope33 These are very good follow up questions. Thanks for taking the time to read through the proposal.

                1. By nature of the liquidity pool, the treasury will win RUNE from tx fees.
                2. Bonds (or a similar solution) are the next step, and the OHM RUNE liquidity pool will be owned by the DAO. Ninerealms and myself will not have any control. The OHMies are given a new option to buying OHM on THORChain, outside of ETH and ERC20 token (sushiswap, uni).

                I can understand your PoV about OHMies not wanting to hold RUNE, and that's okay. The great thing about the pool is that you don't need RUNE to acquire OHM. You can purchase with ETH (as you normally would), ERC20 tokens that are available, BTC, LTC, BCH, BNB, and BEP2 assets. My vision is to amplify buying power and expose OHM to a variety of investors who hold other assets.

                  Thanks for your open mindedness!
                  Benefits to OHM:

                  • Multichain exposure. People holding assets other than ETH or ERC20 tokens will be able to purchase OHM from THORChain. DOGE, Solana, and other chains/assets will be integrated or adopted, so OHM will be in a good position to capture market share from different crypto communities now, instead of in the future.

                  Regarding Awareness:
                  Within my network (Thorchain/Cosmos, Terra, Solana), Olympus is definitely on their radar. The bottleneck for many is purchasing OHM with ETH or ERC20, which has been cumbersome.

                  Regarding Waiting/Partnership:
                  My humble opinion is to take action now. Trust Wallet, Ledger, ShapeShift, and other wallets/interfaces are integrating with THORChain. Monero, Decred, and Dash, are all working on setting up their respective bridges. THORChain's integrations and upgrades will be available to the OHMies and is optional. A savings account will be released in Q3 that can benefit OHMies who are taking profits on the way up.