Sorry, this proposal needs some clearer explanation - there is an emotional burden associated with a tag such as "ultra short-term staker/speculator" ... but what is the sober perspective?
Block number for epoch end: 12800000
Epoch rebasement yield: 0.5%
Ultra-short term strategy:
- Buy OHM from liquidity pool at block 12799998 for 100kUSD, swap fee @ 0.3% = 300 USD
- Stake OHM at block 12799999, receive rebase yield @ 0.5% = 500 USD
- Sell OHM to liquidity pool at block 12800001 for 100kUSD, swap fee @ 0.3% = 300 USD
==> Net loss for staker: -300 USD + 500 USD - 300 USD = - 100 USD
==> Net gain for DAO/community: +300 USD - 500 USD + 300 USD = + 100 USD
This "parasitic behavior" is actually net positive for DAO/community, and net negative for the ultra short term staker !?
If (2 * swap fee) > (staking yield) then warmup period is bad for DAO/community.