• Proposal
  • RFC - Cooler Launch Marketing Campaign


Yes, under the "Detailed breakdowns of each option" are expanded proposals with pricing and examples of what each package look like.

TL;DR is:

Newsletters: 15k - 50k depending on package

Rack: 15-20k for 4-6 weeks

Slance: ~6900 for 3 months

I like option 2. I feel like it has enough push to get the word out but not so much that we are just repeating the info to the same crowd.

Option 3 - all or nothing baby! Why take the risk of spending less at such a pivotal moment in the protocol?

I would do option 3 as this is the moment to do it but I would make the bankless partnership contingent on Ryan and Sean actually covering the launch on the show which is far more valuable than being in their newsletter. I can introduce directly to them if needed.

I am very supportive of a marketing program but pushing the narrative that we are moving to a from a reserve currency to a store of value should removed

Cooler is the path to the decentralized reserve currency - on that front nothing has changed

Regarding opinions on the post-Cooler narrative, completely happy to make adjustments.

I have opened up a Discord channel in the Policy forums under "Olympus Narrative Post-Cooler Loans". Please join us there and we can work toward (hopefully) a general consensus and make adjustments prior to moving to OIP. 🕊️

I'd tend towards option 3 as well, although as above it would make sense to push for Bankless covering the launch properly on the show - the investment with them is high enough that it makes sense to go for that if we can (and it is obviously going to be very valuable based on the focus of narrative)

Option 3 for me! We should've done this a lot earlier & i'm glad to see that you take the initiative.

This is quite a make-or-break moment, and I think the campaigns should be well-thought-thru

Specifically I think the focus should not be on:

  1. What is Olympus
  2. What is Cooler
  3. OHM as a SoV

Instead, I think the focus should be purely on the reader. How can Cooler improve their financial life? Why should the reader care? What are the hard facts supporting this?

Times of easy money are gone, people are cynical and want hard facts over ideological motives. Narratives therefore are given by, not persuaded to.

This is the big takeaway from my thesis: People define money/currency by the context it lives in, which is unique to them rather than the definition being a collective truth.

My honest feedback here is that this is too early (OIP 147 was just rejected) to move forward with this initiative. We, as a community, first need to align what that new narrative is before we go out and promote this (good to see we have a discord channel for this now).

Secondly, I'm extremely skeptical of these types of paid advertising, since I've yet to see one actually work. Outside blatant paying off influencers, few actually had a good ROI. I talked during several projects in the past who went down this road, and I've never actually had someone recommend it. Secondly, I don't think we should go after newsletter readers which are very 'retail' heavy and more towards industry natives who we have seen in recent months are coming back towards the project (see the new faces in Discord). For this, there are the Messari's or The Block's of the world which we should aim at.

Thirdly, these things can serve as a regulatory honeypot (several examples in recent SEC cases on advertising). We'd have to be extremely careful in how we word paid advertisements, and this might limit our ability to get the narrative across.

I do appreciate the effort of this overview and think some type of narrative push is needed, I merely question the approach. This is also my personal opinion, not the one of the council.

    Wartull I appreciate and respect your perspective. DMed to schedule a working session for next steps.


    Much in line with Wartull's comments above, speaking for myself, I would only support option 4, considering the current ambiguity of the pursued narrative post Cooler, the end goal, and the cost-effectiveness for any of the proposed campaigns. TAP-28 generated huge voter participation from the community. It is unclear to me why we need to market the Cooler lending product to Retail when the overwhelming portion of Cooler users will be existing OHM holders.

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