Thanks @Don_G_Lover.
Just to add (I've stated this publicly but want to post it here as well): This isn't a rug pull by any means. If you were a long-term staker, this should not impact you much over that time frame. The total amount of rewards being given to stakers is not changing, they are just being dripped out more slowly to sustain the runway longer. Greater sustainability will ultimately lead to more profits for the protocol and more rewards for the long-term stakers.
Consider an extreme scenario for a moment: Today the protocol has ~ 5.5 million DAI worth of treasury assets (at risk-free value). What if the the protocol gave it all to stakers in one rebase? We'd all get get 15x more OHM. That would be awesome! Everyone would be rich, right!? The fly in the ointment, however, is that there would be no more rewards to give out to stakers and therefore no incentive to hold. There would be a race to unstake and sell (-3,-3) and we would quickly hit floor value. Not only would we not be rich but we'd all probably be worse off than we are today,
Though it may not seem like it, we are too close to that extreme scenario today. The rebases are too high, which is doubly negative: a) people can basically live off of dumping their rebases and b) it means a shorter runway and less confidence in the viability of the protocol. Slowing rewards moves us along the spectrum to a more comfortable and safe place where we can continue to grow profits for months and years to come. I really believe anyone with mid-to-long-term staking aspirations will be far better off.