- Edited
The only advantage I see to CEX listing is more exposure… however we already have that, top 50 MC and counting, we have enough exposure now and if more is needed we got a fantastic team that can focus on marketing and flood the space with interviews about the amazing concept and 3,3 etc.
What we need is to work harder on onboarding new ohmies and non-defi folks. This requires smooth experience in the UI, homepage, staking, one click buy-stake, maybe an Olympus wallet that is "chrome extension" or mobile to make it easier.
The team so far did a fantastic job on the Playgrounds simulation, discord resources, etc. but we can put more resources into a streamlined user experience ..
One last option, partnership with existing reputable on-ramps/custodial, Nexo? Swissborg? etc. to add Ohm and allow people to transfer fiat into their accounts there, buy ohm and stake… these are different than CEX I believe…