In simple terms, what I have to do to migrate if I only own fsOHM-18?

Repay borrowed assets to withdraw deposited sOHM on Fuse? And only then being able to migrate it to v2? 😨

Thx king.

    Vanadio You don't need to, unless you want to borrow more:

    This also means that borrowers do not need to move their position. It is only when adding that you will need to acquire gOHM or sOHMv2 instead of wsOHM or sOHMv1.

    Thx for reply. So v2 will add to my v1 collateral or will I need to first close v1 position to be able to add collateral or borrow more? Having to repay would be a pain.

    Will the migration require a eth transaction(with gas) ?

    Zeus Migrating your tokens means interacting with a contract that will take your OHMv1, sOHMv1, or wsOHM and give you back gOHM.

    Currently i have staked and i have sOHM. When i migrate, i will get gOHM and staked reward will be in gOHM ? If this is the case what is the used of sOHMv2 ?

    Zeus "This also means that borrowers do not need to move their position. It is only when adding that you will need to acquire gOHM or sOHMv2 instead of wsOHM or sOHMv1."

    What does adding mean here? Does it mean when borrowing or when depositing into the fuse pool?

    For example, say I have 100k of OHM deposited into fuse pool 6 and I borrowed 20k against it. Does this mean that I can't borrow or deposit anymore and that the deposited ohm will not be growing on fuse? that is my borrowing power will be frozen?

    "sOHM balance will stop changing"

    isn't this a problem if you have a loan out on fuse? If the balance stops changing you will no longer be able to have your liquidation point go down as time goes on.

    So basically we are now stuck at a fixed liquidation point based on the current amount of OHM we have and the rebases will no longer help us lower that? So the only thing that will affect our liquidation is the price of ohm?

    Or will fuse still acknowledge the rebases?

    Someone on the team had said you'd offer flash loans to help migrate? Is that still gong to be offered?

      cabanaboy1977 Yup this in particular interests me… do we need to somehow settle the Fuse loan and migrate or will the sOhm pool be migrated by Rari?

      I think the 9,9 scenario on fuse pool should be explained better. It’s not clear if we have to repay debt to have a migrated position and being able to borrow again. Also if v2 will add to v1 as collateral on the fuse pool, if v1 collateral will still rebase, etc. thx.

        Vanadio i think only way out is to migrate to v2 to use fuse or any other medium for that matter.

          That's the thing, say the fuse pools are going to be v2, wouldn't it be easiest for Rari to migrate the pools?

          @Zeus can you please clarify for fuse (please see previous comments).

          Thank you sir for your time!

          The vast majority of OlympusDAO investors just stake to earn rewards. We would really like to know exactly how this migration will unfold and this post does not adequately explain it.

          You say we don't need to do anything unless we want to "access liquidity or integrations." What exactly does that mean?

          So, assuming a normal staker just wants to keep staking and not "access liquidity or integrations" (whatever the hell that means), you also say that our sOHM rewards will stop increasing. but the difference will be honored when we migrate. But you just said we didn't need to do anything - now you are saying we have to do something (migrate)? Do we migrate? Do you migrate for us? When will we see our sOHM balance be corrected to reflect the rewards we should have gotten during this migration process.

          Please explain in more detail.

            Can you also outline the migration scenario for people with collateral on fuse, some dollar borrowed and willing to continue to get rebases and the option to potentially borrow again from pool? @Zeus

            19 days later

            Noob here. If I purchase some Ohms today, will they be v1 or v2? Thanks.

            a month later

            I have no idea what going on I migrate my tokens lastnight because was forced to do so can somebody explain to me what this stuff means I have read the info but I still don't understand it

            Why is the migration so buggy? Did the team not fully test this out? I don't want to migrate. I'm not doing anything with bonds nor do I want to vote

            Apparently the rebasing has stopped as well. I've had the same 3.8048 staked since last night with zero added rebase. Essentially the APY is now 0%

            WHAT IS GOING ON?!??!