Guys,i wonder if staking with OHM is legit or not?I am a newbie and willing to stake some but little confused.If i stake an amount is it blocked so that apart from me can never touches it and after unstake does OHM automatically goes back to my metamask account?Thank you all.
Legit or Scam
It's legit thank god I love it. We'd only have to worry about a hack.
Well it starts to look a little like a scam now.. 42% drop. Rugpull?
Not a rugpull. people were using high leverage to buy more ohm and then restaking it and now all of them are getting liquidated. Domino effect. See this reddit.
stay staked. APY is going to increase. I am going to buy this dip and stake more… the runway and treasury will not be affected and APY is going to go through the roof… which means that you will generate ohm way faster and its definitely going to recover quickly from the drop.
Ah thanks. I was not pulling out anyway, even with half it still is good long term with those Aprs. This is my high risk money and I'm fully committed haha.
What adrian said is correct. I wish I could have bought the dip at 666 fuck me.
Tikumo99 Glad to help, that reddit thread was buried. I was super glad i found it. I actually posted comments on the most recent medium article about v2… i was thinking that the announcement was causing the drop or that something was wrong… which wasn't the case at all. the ohm content managers should address it in a tweet or something. amazing opportunity to buy in. wish i had liquidity now, but my wires aren't available until the AM.
goodnight fellow ohmie!
I wondered the same thing when I first snagged OHM. I started small, tested it out, did my own research.
With all things in the space, I'm not being snarky or snide when I say: do your own research. That means check the contracts, check the audits, look for indicators of scam (e.g., much lower TVL and than market cap, etc.).
That said, I did my own research and kept buying OHM. My bag is now up to 25 OHM (staked - 3,3), and I wish I had bought the flash-crash last night that was caused by leveraged traders doing risky things.