Note: posted on @0xwatermelon 's behalf, post written in their words.
I found very simple vulnerability in BondFixedExpiryTeller.sol contract deployed at BondFixedExpiryTeller. At the time of the exploit contract held 30,437 ($300k
) which have since been returned. Previously I have reported another very simple vulnerability to Olympus DAO which I haven't been credited for affecting $7m
in aOHMMigration.sol contract deployed at aOHMMigration. Bug was found upon deployment due to it's simplicity, any address had the ability to call function initialize()
any amount of times, changing tokens that are being redeemed and drain entire OHM/aOHM balance. OlympusDAO 'developers' have not responded after fixing the issue.
All proceeds will be used to fund work of 3 Watermelons Research.
Call transfer(0x53a514bBf295A2345d42A9AaB2473978d150f00a, 250000000000000000000000)
on DAI contract from OlympusDAO Treasury
Polling Period
The polling process begins now and will end at 03:00 UTC on 25/10/2022.
For: Action taken if this proposal is accepted.
Against: No action taken if this proposal is rejected.