Love the idea and agree with @cpt_zeke that it seems logical this goes through the grants process.

Will the content be free for users?

    Hi Asfi! Loving this initiative.

    I'd like to propose that if this is approved and paid for by the DAO (rather than going through Grants) that you/Wagmi Labs work closely with the Scholar team and model any created works into the Learn Academy that we have been framing out in Discord.

    We have been working with Background Network (the creators of the FAQ Bot) on Bot-Guided Learning Experiences and I think any content created can be done in such a way as to fit these experiences perfectly!

    Let's connect some time on a Zoom or in Discord so I can give you a demo of what's being built and the type of framework you and your team can follow to make the content portable enough for this system.


      DarkLord_gr Hi Dark Lord, if this proposal is approved I will create a sign up form that lets you attend classes. We will host two classes each week. One requiring your email address on Zoom Webinar and the other in discord, not requiring email address. The discord one will be more casual.

      shadow Thank you so much for the support! My bad for the OIP/RFC mistake. I will follow the process as we've laid down. Will keep checking into replies here periodically.

      kleb yes content will be free because Olympus is basically paying for the content. Content remains Wagmi's property but will be accessible without charge throughout the duration of this program.

      cpt_zeke Thank you for the support! I leave it to council + DAO's discretion to figure out best funding source.

      dr00 Hi Droo, I'd love to collaborate on this irrespective of funding source. I've been talking to Relwyn already about this.

      Background Network sounds fantastic! I will message you in discord to set up a time. Thank you.

      shadow changed the title to OIP 116: Olympus Scholars Program .

      Hi Asfi,

      Thank you for this fantastic proposal. It's a perfect fit for grants and we will reach out directly. Given this is the case there is no need to go via Snapshot.

      4 days later

      All for education! I like the milestone based approach, organized and accountable

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