The runway?? Does that mean we have enough to pay the apy for 3 months or does that mean something else?
OIP-3: Adjust System Parameters
Let's go, do it.
Zeus, lessgo! Brilliant
I’m for it
Love it - how do we vote?
Great plan Ser Zeus
I don't understand why but if you think it is good adjustment for market + good for stakers then 2 birds with 1 stone? I vote for.
Would be helpful if those voting could say why they're voting for/against.
I'm with the team lets do it.
Bonders go on vacation while Stakers celebrate a holiday Staking festival.
do eet
let do
Awesome - LFG!!!
If I understand this correctly supply expands and the expectation is that price will decrease, leading to a new point of stability from where we will again prioritse treasury accumulation. But stakers are compensated with whopping APY. Right?
Here Here
3 months later
kschan changed the title to OIP-3: Adjust System Parameters .
kschan locked the discussion .