" Anchor scored a 3"
a 3 out of what? 10? 5? 3?
TAP 7 - Anchor Protocol Whitelist
Makes pretty good sense to me
Isn't the wrapped staked UST called aUST, not aTerra? The risk analysis also says it operates on Ethereum, but it runs on the Terra blockchain. Is there something I'm missing here?
- Edited
HackerLaddy I haven't heard of aTerra before either, I'm guessing @json you mean aUST?
When you deposit into Anchor EARN you receive aUST tokens in exchange for the UST while it's being provided.
I've tracked the interest earned over the last few months and it's usually somewhere in the low to mid 19% APY range
this is a no brainer
Do you plan to bridge back the UST to terra to stake in anchor?
how will the funds be custodial on the terra blockchain??
the ust protocol holds are not much actually..
only 4m ust, but the collaboration between olympus and anchor is becoming interesting
HackerLaddy need more detail about the whitelist…
what is aTerra, how does this work on Ethereum
Ran Anchor currently has 9.5B UST deposited which can be seen here: https://app.anchorprotocol.com/
Holding UST without staking it on anchor, is like holding OHM and not staking it.. 19+% APY lets go
kubatha There is UST on ETH L1 due to wormhole. That is what Olympus has been bonding. https://docs.wormholenetwork.com/wormhole/
No, my question is, if the proposal passes, those UST will be bridged into Terra then deposit it to Anchor Protocol? If so, what is the aTerra for? Thanks!