Having spoken to a lot of folks on this list personally, can agree that the partner program is vital to Olympus growth.
Also really like the section on learning and the look ahead especially around changing from never selling to responsible selling.
Some observations and suggestions below. These are my opinions and I say them in the most constructive & positive way possible. Please dont take them as criticisms.
With every project, we should try and also score them on how they further the Olympus core goal of being a reserve defi currency. e.g. APY on a pool is not utility, its zero sum in the long run. Using the currency as a base pair is core utility, using it for lending, gambling, shopping, gaming, nfts or just as a reserve are all utilities. This is a core key metric and removes bias in decisions. This metric and a scorecard should be included in proposals. This is also the #1 question asked by the community.
Publish, and hold partners accountable to using OHM as a base pair & part of their treasuries. I see this is already in the plan so good job on this.
Add more crypto natives to the team. The list looks under represented in terms of crypto native "builders". Not all partnerships will bear results in terms of money or revenue which is what a traditional VC would look at. There will be some that help with our core goal.
Add disclosure requirements for the partnership team when a new project is put up for proposal. If need be, increase base salary / funding for partnership team since they may miss out on any project launches due to disclosures.
Cross marketing with Olympus can be improved. Looks like some of the projects launch and are still actively working with Olympus, but their marketing has pivoted away once the launch goes live. I would love to see previous partners do an ama with the team and explain to us how they helped OHM become the reserve defi currency.
Add a bonus structure to the partnerships teams. Evaluate projects 6 months, 12 months from inception, and tie some compensation / bonus to the performance of the project. Performance should be rated on core goals (use OHM as reserve currency), furthering growth of OHM to new entrants and revenue "realised".
Keep up the good work.