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  • Request for Comment - Curve v2 Pool Deployment

Summary: Seek comments about launching Curve v2 OHM-paired crypto pools, starting with OHM-ETH. 

Motivation: Curve is now releasing general access to crypto (v2 or dynamic peg) pools as described in the white paper from last summer. The new Curve Factory has been deployed, and anyone can create new crypto factory pools.

Curve is by far the biggest DEX (decentralized exchange) if going by total value locked on the platform, with over $23B at the time of writing. One of the guiding principles for Olympus liquidity management is to integrate OHM across the Defi landscape, and make sure that OHM liquidity is available where there is potential for significant demand and trade volumes. 

Curve is largely targeting institutions, protocols and other large token holders, where liquidity depth matters. Curve has also adopted a cross chain strategy and is now available on a range of networks. With the launch of Crypto pools it seems that Curve will compete head on with other DEXes as a one stop shop for token swaps.

In the fall of 2021, Olympus started accumulating CVX tokens as a way to boost and earn rewards from the Curve ecosystem. By boosting OHM pools on Curve, Olympus is able to generate extra rewards from the OHM pools - thereby quickly turning these pools into a significant revenue source.

In the Olympus policy framework it is stated that new liquidity pairs need a community vote, but launching existing pairs on new networks and rollups does not. Technically, no new liquidity pairs will be launched, but Curve is a new platform and we seek your comments.

A proposed launch plan would be to focus on one pair, to be able to focus CVX voting power on one pool and understand the dynamics of pool settings and rewards from pool depth. The proposal is to focus on a deep OHM-ETH pool. Focusing on one pair will allow deeper liquidity, more rewards and hopefully better routing. Current prices and rewards should allow for around $2M in monthly rewards when using Olympus treasury CVX to boost the OHM-ETH pool.

Risk Evaluation: Curve is the largest DEX (by TVL) and is one of the most battle tested platforms in Defi. The first Curve v2 pool, Tricrypto, was launched on June 9, 2021 and currently holds around $900M in TVL. Since then, 8 more crypto pools have been launched. However, a public launch of Curve v2 will require new smart contracts (like the new Factory) that are not as battle tested. Olympus is now at a size and level of progress where risk cannot be avoided, but risk and growth should be balanced.

A proposed strategy would be to gradually deploy capital to Curve v2 when it is possible. This will be done either through bonding LP tokens, migration of current liquidity or the creation of LP through treasury reserves. The capital deployment would be gradual, starting with $10M, then potentially another $10M after analyzing trade volume and rewards.

    Looking forward to seeing OHM liquidity on the highest TVL platform

    In theory this V2 pool should be more capital efficient by a non trivial amount. I'm curious to see how much more efficient this will be in practice. Cheers! Keep up to good work!

    Stoked about this next chapter for us.

    Would our OHM/ETH from other protocols get migrated to Curve at some point in the future?

    It seems logical to test this out. Once, and if, the contracts are battle-tested, it would seem that the Curve v2 pools would be more advantageous for POL than the current arrangement on Sushiswap.


    From investor perspective, my concern from this is the fragmentation of liquidity. Olympus' primary liquidity pool is supposedly OHM-DAI on Sushiswap. My recent experience is that even that liquidity sucks. Price impact from even pretty small swaps is too big. Was liquidity shifted elsewhere?

    From protocol perspective, I assume its a balancing act of collecting revenue (seek non-crowded opportunities) versus providing liquidity (crowded position by nature). Also I assume that if liquidity fees (from swaps) is important, then having various smaller pools create price divergences, and this increases arb activity and thus fees to protocol (assuming protocol is dominant LP).

    So, I dont care really what L1 platform is used (as long as its solid like Curve). I just wish I could find thick liquidity SOMEWHERE. And having liquidity spread out across multiple pairs/pools/platforms/networks is working against my wish.

      bubbidubb this is a good point. $10m sounds like an ok amount to start with though? Is that less than 5% of treasury assets that actively being put to work? One question - if this is approved, does it give policy team freedom to then increase at the rate and size that they see fit or do they need to engage community again?

      Regards the security of curve v2, it made me think that with the quality and size of team within Olympus now, would there be space for a division that went after bug bounties (or even get in the business of auditing code).. just putting it out there as a thought.

      • json replied to this.

        Go for it. Curve has gigabrain dev team. It is crucial to have deep liquidity there.