Would benefits both projects. I Say yes.
Request for Comment - FIAT DAO x Olympus Partnership
Definetly approved. The benefits are clear
"Olympus will provide 0.5% FDT supply worth of OHM vested immediately to Fiat DAO. "
What is the amount of OHM for this swap?
- Edited
Jawesome That would be the equivalent of 5M FDT, which is currently worth around $1.5M (CoinGecko is on the fritz, we're reporting the Sushiswap value here: https://app.fiatdao.com/rewards).
So, around 7,000 OHM.
If I knew nothing else just the quality of the proposal justifies moving forward. However I also know this is representative of the thought, planning and foresight that has been invested into the FIAT DAO project itself. Fully support an expanded relationship between the two DAOs. (full disclosure I am also a holder/staker of FDT)
Love it. OHMptions are a thing of beauty. I fully support this proposal. Looking forward to the AMA next week.
Big fan of Fiat Dao. I believe this collaboration could go a long way.
Who would be building OHMptions ? Fiat or Olympus ?
great to see FiatDAO working on this. full support
Go, Go, MAX. Make us millionaires!
This will unlock insane benefits for the growing Olympus econohmy.
Makes perfect sense. Lets do it!
do it please
Great idea. Let's do it.
Honestly, one of the best project proposals I have read. Would be very interested to see the MVP in action. Fully support this.
The implications of this are much more than DeFi. Whitepaper is really well written.
e.g. this definition, clearly shows thought has gone into this mirroring some complex products already in use outside DeFi.
Definition 5 (Liquidation Risk)
Liquidation risk is the probability of the first-passage-time being smaller than the ZCB’s time-to-maturity or
P (τ ≤ T − t)
As a bullish participant in both protocols I find this partnership extremely exciting for both sides! Sounds like a win-win. Hope to see this gain approval!
I really like what you guys are doing, support the proposal and hope we can keep working together
In total support. Great proposal. I get a feeling Fiat DAO is going add to a solid foundation within DeFi. Olympus should definitely support these kinds of projects.
I'm super excited for this as well! But if @Max_FIATDAO could you do a ELI5 of OHMptions? I'm still a little hazy on what it is. Sounds like a put option, but I'm not sure I'm understanding it right.
Disclaimer: I have a FDT bag (all market-bought and farmed, no discounts) and had 1 call discussing UX/UI with @Max_FIATDAO.
Very much in favour of moving forward. I got a very good impression of the FiatDAO team, strong fundamental finance background with very healthy (but risk-adjusted ) degen influence.
Their vision of creating a liquid secondary market for all types of fixed income assets is very enticing and I think they can pull it off which would not only benefit Olympus greatly (50% discount on FDT is a VERY fair deal imo comparing with other dao-to-dao swaps that i've seen) but the whole DeFi community.
i-feel-so-al-ohm still hammering out a specification, but it would essentially boil down to you being able to return a gOHM bond / the matured gOHM within a grace period for the principal that was bonded in the first place.
So if you mint a gOHM bond while OHM is at $200, the Ohmption would let you return it and get back some market-determined amount, let's say 190 DAI, and the OHM gets burned. In this scenario, the treasury earned profits and avoided selling pressure on the market.