I like your thinking here and something needs to change as this problem is likely to get worse if not addressed. We need to think more laterally though as this just kicks the can down the road a bit. Also, see similar post by Corelli100 as most of the whale dumps are definitely coordinated across multiple wallets. OHM's strength is also it's weakness - easy to get in, same APY for everyone and easy to get out.
I think by spreading the rebase across multiple timeframes will help reward long term holders without cutting off new participants. So just like we have 7 hour rebase we should also have others, say 30 days, 60 days, 180 days etc. This could easily be done through the existing staking mechanism. This would be a strategic evolution for the protocol as it would now present multiple exit points but importantly across multiple time horizons and would, along with tighter governance, help dilute the whale bumps.
Take this further by structuring the APY differently for each time horizon to influence behaviour such as much lower APY for 7 day terms and rising for others. This would build on itsok's proposal by allowing more governance here and would eventually create hundreds of relatively fixed OHM positions as Stakers need to pick their duration when staking, forcing them to really think about their own strategy. Do I go for 1200% APY for the 7 day or the 2156% on the 60 day contract, and that 6800% is tempting on the 180 day contract…
This framework also has the benefit of being able to plug directly into both the ethos and mechanics of what a DAO truly is, along with the algo controlling the APY across the different Staking horizons offered. This could work equally well through the current bonding system too.
Net result:
- Breaks up or at least frustrates the dumping of whale wallets (combined with more governance)
- Encourages new participants, perhaps even more than currently as there would be a wider appeal to different risk profiles
- Creates an ever increasing number of exit points as adoption grows, adding to the overall stability of the protocol
- Continues to support the long term holders, in fact with the right algo calibration they would benefit more than now.
- Maintains the 3:3 game theory principles. In fact, executed well, things could get a whole lot more fun.