Currently there is no incentive to remain staked to the Olympus platform for the long term. New forked Olympus platforms offer higher APYs which may motivate Olympus stakers to unstake and move to other platforms. This proposal recommends to provide increased APY rewards to OHM stakers based on how long OHM has been continuously staked on the platform. Rewards are incrementally increased the longer an OHM remains staked. Long term stakers would receive a higher percentage APY reward based on a to-be-determined progressive payout scheme. For example, for every X months (or weeks) an OHM is staked, a slightly higher rewards rate is given out to the holder. After a year or so, this may really add up to be a strong incentive to remain loyal (and staked!) to the Olympus platform. Is this technically feasible?
Implement loyalty (longevity) rewards for staked OHM
12 days later
marky-mark agree, seems like a good idea, should propose it in their DIscord