Agent8 We are still working closely with LOBI, however, they're targeting majority governance tokens. We won't do this for various reasons such as growing our RFV treasury and LP positions with OHM. We do have a sizeable treasury now that we should utilize to grow, otherwise we will have hundreds of millions of dollars just sitting. With that said, we can make strategic decisions on specific assets to accrue via bonding that will bring a lot of utility to the coming projects and OHM ecosystem overall.

Yella Doesn't change anything with Lobis


  1. We have a significant treasury that we can now use to farm/gain influence in key ecosystems (frax, curve, etc.) which will be very useful for partnerships, future products/services and passive income accrual.
  2. When we announced that we were going to have CVX bonds it grew >30% in value, this can be detrimental to acquiring assets.

We feel that tell the ohmies which assets we will target and how much bond revenue we will allocate is a good gauge for what/when/how. Additionally, everyone in crypto has an opinion on what they feel is a good choice and it can become very complicated (noise to signal ratio). We're asking you to trust us in these decisions just as you trust us to make the right decisions with policies that support our bonds and treasury!

To cement it's importance within the ecosystem, this is a no brainer. Is it worthwhile to have the community vote and consider something like a top 20? So there can be some interesting discussions and debates first. This way, it would be difficult to front run anything specifically since it won't be clear which asset the DAO will choose out of the 20? Also, how will the actual asset be chosen? Who will do the choosing? Is there a committee specifically set up and elected for this?

    json knee jerk, i would say ETH! Let's do this


    Awesome, thank you! I think giving the team mobility is definitely important in this circumstance. #trusttheteam

    I like your approach to solving the front-running issue. As long as we have a list of enough whitelisted assets that the treasury is allowed to buy, we should be pretty safe

    I like the token list offered thus far

    I share the concerns about the Treasury team having biases toward their own bags and/or insider knowledge about upcoming investments. But I understand the problem of publicly disclosing purchases, as well. The combo of having a whitelist of potential investments that the community gets to discuss/approve, and sharing the results after execution is likely a fair enough amount of transparency and community feedback.

      add FLX , there is room for growth there !

      All of these assets make sense to me.

      While I realise the token list is just a proposal, if we're interested in accumulating governance tokens, then LQTY is not going to provide that as it is simply a reward token with no governance power attached to it.

      Perhaps INST would be worth considering, which is the governance token of a decentralised protocol, and one that I feel is trading currently well below it's fair market value, considering the TVL in the protocol, the fact that most flashloans on Etherium occur via InstaDapp, and the potential revenue streams open to it in the future. It is soon to institute fees as the first revenue generator for the protocol. The team building InstaDapp is continuing to push out updates, adding more protocols that can be managed via their dashboard, as well as new functionality. If OHM is to become the reserve currency of DeFi, it would make sense to partner with the leading middleware protocol by accumulating their governance token. Adding Olympus to the InstaDapp dashboard would give investors using InstaDapp, and the $11.8b they invest through it into Aave, Maker, Compound and Liquity, an easy on ramp to OHM, as well opening up OHM / sOHM for use as collateral for lending and borrowing in these protocols.

      Put one portion for the alt coins that might do 100x..