Summary: If the Emissions Manager, which controls reserve bonds above a minimum premium, is installed, deprecate the RBS system until a future time.
Background: RBS was implemented in late 2022 as a structure to reduce volatility in the OHM market as it contracted and found equilibrium. This was a resounding success and significantly validated the module, as you can see here.
RBS has not done a trade in almost 3 months, and has only traded roughly $560k in the past 15 months. Thus, we can conclude that functionally its absence will not be noticed. However, it does have a significant psychological impact on market behavior, which I would consider beneficial to nullify should OHM return to a greater premium.
Proposal: Disable the RBS system via the Timelock should the emissions manager be installed. If the emissions manager is not installed, RBS should remain in place. RBS can be reenabled in the same manner at a future time.