• General
  • Is anon mode helpful for Olympus?

I have been researching how DAOs make decisions and I am curious about anonymity. Since this feature is possible on discourse and is easy to enable:

  1. Have we considered enabling it here

  2. If yes, why, if not, why not?

My thesis is that optional anonymity would allow users to communicate candidly without needing to create a throwaway account, and would love your feedback on this.

This topic has come up from time to time.

1. The hurdle for a throw away account is very low
2. Most accounts are already anon
3. There are subject matter experts that weigh in on things, having an identifiable username can give weight to those comments/posts
4. The number of additional features have been intentionally limited to minimize potential attack vectors on the forum
5. Once OCG is live the forum will not play the same role that it does today as a temperature check. It will remain a place for sharing ideas, as well as gathering support and feedback

IMO using a name (any reoccurring name) gives some sense of accountability. In the interest of automation, this helps reduce the number of posts that need moderation and makes the forum a pretty civil place overall.

Additionally, there are some considerations surrounding why making anons, more anon, could be a negative. As it stands we are all anons here if we choose to be. Any opinion shared or weight given to that opinion is based on the reputation that has been built over time within this space. Its a very merit based system where someone's credibility can influence the impact their comments or proposal have.

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