The following outlines a formal proposal as a follow-up to the RFC “Expansion of Vendor Finance Partnership” found here, which outlines a mutually beneficial arrangement between OlympusDAO and Vendor Finance. Additional discussion surrounding the RFC can be found within the Olympus discord.
The previously approved pilot deposit into Vendor (TAP-21) has been a great success to date and due to this we believe now is the right time to introduce an enhanced proposal that will deepen the mutually beneficial partnership between Vendor and Olympus. Building upon the constructive feedback and insight received during the RFC stage, we believe that establishing this TAP enhances discussion, and declares a definitive route for the Olympus community to consider.
Updated Protocol Fee
The Vendor Finance team has reached the positive decision to completely waive the protocol fee on both Ethereum and Arbitrum. While Vendor would not benefit financially, the deepened partnership would continue to enhance the visibility and recognition of the Vendor protocol. This will also mean that Ohmies can borrow against their collateral at no additional cost to the loan interest rate.
Vote 1:
Option A: Deposit onto Vendor Finance
Option B: Do not deposit onto Vendor Finance
If Option A, proceed with Vote 2. If Option B, do not proceed.
Vote 2:
Option A: Deposit $5M on both Ethereum and Arbitrum
Option B: Deposit $5M on Arbitrum
Loan terms for any pools deployed onto Vendor as well as whether or not strategies should be used is to be determined through a separate voting phase conducted by the DAO.
This TAP represents a significant step forward in solidifying the partnership between Vendor Finance and Olympus. We have incorporated valuable feedback from community engagement to enhance what was put forth in the initial RFC to better align it with the interests of the Olympus DAO/community.
Lastly, we want to say thank you, as we sincerely appreciate everyone who has provided feedback on our proposal, thereby actively participating in the decentralized governance process.
Best regards,
The Vendor Team