Hello everyone I have a question. I’m looking to enter the prize pool and would like more info on it. When I deposit my sOhM, do I keep receiving my stake rewards as well as the price pool rewards?
Prize Pool
same question, actually!!
Same question as well!!!
Wondering the same myself
Hey yall,
No you won't be receiving staking rewards when you enter the 3,3 Together Pool. See the link for additional deets!
"When you deposit your sOHM tokens into the 3,3 Together you don’t receive any staking rewards. Instead, the staking rewards of everyone are combined and given out randomly as prizes every 3 days." - link
I'm in the 3,3 prize pool and have been receiving my staking rewards
majarama123 How is it possible?? The official documentation posted by epiclychee tells that you won't…. @admin can you help?? thnks all
i suppose majarama123 has both sOHM and 33T?
if you have 1 stake in 33T and 1 stake in sOHM, only the sOHM will rebase.
fm-laser Nope I'm just an idiot who didn't enter the 3,3 when I thought I did. Sorry.
I wish they could've at least mentioned it clearly on the 3,3 page as a reminder…
hey can we get clarity, so essentially you are sacrificing your staking rewards for as long as your principal is in the pool but you won't lose that principal if you don't win?
You can always take your ohm back out of 33 and stake them again. You don't lose them by playing 33.
Can we unstake a portion of ohms earning daily rewards and then put that portion in 3,3, together?
Are ETH gas fees incurred each time we unstake sOHM and commit it to the 33Together pool (or, conversely, withdraw from the 33T pool and restake to OHM)?
You don't have to unstake to enter into 3,3 together pool. I deposited 2.2 ohm into 3,3 together pool and it cost about $15 gas fee. The only thing that changes when you deposit into 3,3, Together is that you have a chance to win a third of the Award and interest earned on your deposit goes to the 3,3 Together pool rather than to your account until the award period expires. Then the interest automatically starts accumulating back into your account. If you withdraw your deposit before the award period expires then you get hit with a 3% early exit fee.