A lot of great discussion in the discord has taken place regarding how to manage a sustainable APY for staking OHM. This is an attempt to formalize that discussion and document it so all of our ohmies can easily access it.
I think it might be helpful to first establish reference timeframes for this discussion to avoid any confusion that may arise when discussing short, mid, and long term goals.
Short term: the next 3-6 months
Mid term: 6-12 months
Long term: 1-2 years
Very long term: 2+ years
Some additional thoughts to help guide the discussion:
- One of the primary reasons for APY being high is to attract new participants and build network effects. How long does this need to last? Will a drop to 80k APY scare off new participants? What about to 50k?
- Long term, our current APY is not sustainable and decreasing APY will in turn increase our runway. How fast/slow should APY be decreased? Is there a specific runway to target?
- What additional factors do we need to consider when discussing APY? Bonding? Gaining yield on treasury assets? Additional categories of treasury assets (eth, btc, etc.)?
As an outcome of this discussion, I would like to be able to create a roadmap/framework that we could use to guide future governance proposals and also to serve as resource for educating new/potential ohmies on the long term goals of the project.