Summary: We should decrease LP staking rewards now that the protocol owns the vast majority of the pool.
Background: LP staking was introduced at launch to help bootstrap liquidity before liquidity bonds were introduced. The protocol (between the treasury and what is being farmed on Onsen) now owns >83% of the pool. LP staking has gone from 80% of the liquidity to 16% today. However, we are still paying the same rewards as when we started.
Abstract: This proposal seeks to lower the LP staking rewards through a phased approach. Rewards would be lowered from 90 OHM per day down to 45 OHM per day. This would occur through 3 adjustments, each occurring 4 days apart.
Day 0: Proposal passes
Day 1: Rewards from 90 -> 80
Day 5: Rewards from 80 -> 65
Day 9: Rewards from 65 -> 45
Motivation: To utilize our funds efficiently, and to minimize the impact of a transition to lower rewards.
For: Lower rewards, use this schedule
For: Lower rewards, use a different schedule
Against: Do not lower rewards
Discussion and polling will occur here, and we will hold a 2-day snapshot vote for this proposal starting Thursday 4/29. The first adjustment would happen at soonest on Monday.