Seems like everyone has got a different Explanation for DAOs. Here’s ours in a pretty truthful and “explain like i’m 5” Way. 

DAOs are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, already thats a mouth full but give me a minute, DAOs happen when a group of people with a common goal, Mission and Vision come together to achieve it in a decentralized way. We removed as many buzzwords as possible. A common meme definition is a group chat with a shared Crypto wallet. 

Imagine you are a Drake fan, which we expect you to be, then you gather you and a bunch of friends who are also die hards together and say the goal of this DAO is to have at least one member of the DAO in every Drake show no matter where in the world it is. 

So you create some form of chat and decide to pull together your crypto resources to fund every Trip. You build the Site in public and do everything transparently and everyone has the right to vote for who gets to represent the DAO in every show based on the Amount contributed. 

In its simplest and most basic form this is a DAO. Yes it can get complicated and instead of going to shows you’re investing in protocols and need lawyers in the DAO, dev , designers, a balanced governance model and a lot more other things

DAOs are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

To be honest, most DAOs aren’t 100% decentralized, Voice has listed over 150 DAOs and the trend remains the same, there’s always some sort of path to centralization of the DAO by a Whale. 

Some DAOs have a set of people who actually make the decisions, yes they have snapshot voting and sometimes allow only stakers vote and all that cool stuff but at its core there are “major” decision makers. Now this isn’t bad, if everyone was a major decision member then the DAO will be going nowhere, so yes this is a good thing. In our opinion DAOs shouldn’t be 100% Decentralized but about 70% decentralized making it that the “major” decision makers are trustworthy people. 

Are DAOs Autonomous?

ummm.. No, The common ideology is the Uber DAO, where it runs fully autonomous no human interaction is still very much a Dream, Most DAOs preach Community so do we really want it fully autonomous? No we definitely don’t we need to keep it real DAOs are all about community and shouldn’t be full run by code, maybe funds should be managed by an Autonomous smart contract but every other thing needs to be run by community.

DAOs equal Community!

Are DAOs an Organizations?

Well yes, they are. Well more on the community side than organization but lets stick to that.

Bet you understand what DAOs are now but now the question is why? Why should they even exist?

Simply put Ownership, freedom and working on what you love. DAOs are gateway to long term wealth were builders and value creators get rewarded and the others? well are left to speculate. DAOs are even playing field for everyone where talent speaks volume and graduating from Harvard doesn’t 

The girl from a slump in Nigeria has got an equivalent playing field as the Dude who graduated from Harvard as long as they both have a laptop, internet connection, a Discord account and use VoiceEquality!

Why should you Contribute/ work for a DAO?

Imagine having the Ability to contribute to both Discord code base and Googles Code base, they aren’t competitors so there really shouldn’t be a problem, In the current web2 world you get fired in the web3 DAO filled world you’re loved by both DAOs!

You get the freedom to choose what you want to work on and what time. DAOs offer you with flexibility where you’re rewarded according to the value added over time Spent. 

DAOs Have the Ultimate working conditions!

Working/Contributing to a DAO is a mix of Working, Learning, Networking, comfort and Having fun its the “perfect” balance. Google gives you free lunch but you are constantly networking with Smart people and meeting new people in the Server/group. 

Now we know what you’re thinking where can i start my DAO journey???

Voice is your go to place, we help you Discover, Contribute and Go Full-time on DAOs, No hassles.

Visit our website:

Discord is a place to talk DAOs and lets just geek on:

a year later

A decentralized autonomous organization is exactly what the name says; a group of people who come together without a central leader or company dictating any of the decisions. They are built on a blockchain using smart contracts (digital one-of-one agreements). Members of DAOs often buy their way in, most of the time purchasing a governance token specifically for the DAO that gives them the ability to vote on decisions that are made around how the pool of money is spent and managed.

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