wanderingkevin The treasury is made nearly entirely of stables, it is not a moot point though and something we need to consider for future tender offers.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
wanderingkevin The treasury is made nearly entirely of stables, it is not a moot point though and something we need to consider for future tender offers.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
uliner This post is absolutely spot on
ty ser. The explanation does clear it up a lot more. One more question, and apologies if this has been answered.
1. Will the OHM used for payment be paid out of what is currently in the treasury or new OHM will be minted? If new OHM is minted (akin to a bond), can we have rough numbers on how much the supply of OHM increases and what would be the rfv after the mint?
Something like:
Pre proposal.
1000 OHM. RFV = $5.
Post Proposal
1000 OHM + 200 OHM minted RFV = 7$
8thwonder How do you suppose gohm will not be diluted since they are giving gohm to spa holders and who cares if the backing goes up if the gohm market price is going down because of increased selling pressure. How does that help current gohm holders?
Why don't you advocate the team use the liquidity outlined in the OIP to help current gohm holders who are rekt due to the price of OHM over the last couple of months instead of helping people who chose to support a completely different project while chasing APY.
The price of OHM could have been greatly supported had these spa investors chosen to put that money in Olympus Dao. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them pulled money from Olympus to invest in SPA causing some of the liquidations that sent OHM plummeting. And now giving them gohm is somehow going to benefit current gohm holders after they may have contributed to the spot we are in now?
R.e. there still being a Spartacus site. If this all happens and they vote for it too. Would the dashboard become the same as ours? i.e. same treasury based on OHM. Would new people buying into the protocol buy OHM? Would the website rebrand to Olympus. That kind of thing. If you could create some clarity there that would be great.
electo Great question!
New OHM will be minted - so current numbers as per our dashboard & fluidsonic's RFV calculations are as follows:
11,243,707 OHM (circulating supply) w/ RFV of US$22.12
The post proposal numbers would be:
11,243,707 OHM + approx. 900k OHM minted (US$50M worth at today's price) would equal new RFV of US$23.46$
Ser I would lead with the two lines above tbh
I'll discuss this internally with our team also. Increasing RFV does make sense, but this also is a significant number towards expansion in a single transaction.
One last question - how would this transaction affect backing per OHM ? Would that not come down?
Don't think we should be giving out a blanket offer for ohm fork devs to join olympus dao when this sub genre is known for bad actors. I thought the head of this project rugged anyway lol? Also second the other comments about the high probability for gohm dumping. I mean shit, it's been difficult enough to 3,3 since the crash.
I think it's a 'neat idea' this, but negative EV. Just too many risks for what we are getting.
Shreddy The fact that our RFV is down to $22.12 tells you everything you need to know to realize this should not be a priority. We need to be focusing on sustainable ways to increase RFV and this proposal would only add $1 in RFV, so I don't see how this is where we are focused?? The idea of us buying all these other forks just to acquire their treasury doesn't do anything to solve the problem long term.
The long term value of this protocol is in the potential of our treasury and what could be done with it. If all we are going to do is buy failed OHM forks to add to that treasury to buy more failed OHM forks, then there's not really a value proposition there.
I'd really like to see more ideas in terms of ways to stimulate buying pressure and sustainable ways to increase RFV like Zeus' internal bonds proposal. That would help grow RFV AND add to the value proposition for holders, which should have a flywheel-like impact on protocol growth. This current proposal is just short-sighted and pointless.
Hey uliner! Thanks for your thoughts.
I think we may have our blinders on here a bit, this is just a suggestion of one treasury mechanism of many that aim to create RFV and add value. It is fine if you do not agree and I hope you have voted as such; if the community as a whole feels it will not add value then it will not be pursued.
If you check our Olympus12 Action plan linked in the proposal, there are many exciting projects on the way that increase value to the Olympus token and community.
Ser can we has following and add it to the proposal? I understand these may change slightly based on market conditions, but should give us a good indication. For backing would be looking at the backing price with respect to what is shown on the dashboard (realising dashboard number is not true backing, we still need to use that as its what people see).
1. Change in RFV post mint
2. Change in Backing post mint (both backing price as shown in dashboard and actual)
3. Change in total supply post mint
I ask for above because this will affect reward rates, and may affect APY soon after the mint. I dont think the change is clear enough for most users as currently written. #1 and #3 are already answered, though should be in the proposal too.
It would also be nice if policy team can provide their insights.
- Would minting a supply this high have any affect on reward rates. Since bonding effectively is offset by rewards, current holder dilution is a concern. Are we planning to increase the rewards while this offer is being considered? Are we considering a guarantee rewards will not be dropped lower post mint for x amount of time?
- Instead of a $ price, can we change the offer to % discount to market price (like most of our bonds work). What is stopping anyone to drive OHM price down and driving SPA up during the offer? Any contingencies in place for this? While the price of SPA going up doesnt matter, OHM going down does. In this case only OHM RFV should be considered for any offers.
Now forks are looting ohm, must have some frens over there.
Let Klima do some looting too when the time comes.
OlympusDAO has enough problems.