Hi guys,
Can someone help me to recover my OHMs.
I have transfered OHMs to https://app.olympusdao.finance/#/stake using Metamask.
After that I have seen my OHMs under "Unstaked Balance", then I press "Stake to sOHM
" button and then sign the transfer that appear into Metamask. In my wallet the transfer appear to OlympusDAO-Stack, but the address is the address of OlympusDAO Helping address(see the image bellow). After that I could not see OHMs neither in unstaked balance and not in staked balance. The transfer somehow stop/crush(during the transfer I have seen some errors on OlympusDAO site). Then I have seen that OHMs stuck into the OlympusDAO Staking helper.
According to the docs from Olympus, new staking process is using an intermediary address for staking. First OHMs are going to a helper address and then into the staking address, see: https://docs.olympusdao.finance/main/contracts/staking
Mine were stuck into the helper address, during the process of stacking.
Can, please, someone help me to recover this., because is clear that something happened on Olympus site, and I can prove that. Thank you!